As winter draws nearer and days come colder it's important, for me at least, to know that I can seek comfort in my food. I don't want to sit down to a salad on a cold day because I need to lose some weight. I want that warming cuddle you get from a good plate of grub and this lunch satisfies on all levels. A good lump of ham, roasted at the start of the week keeps me going for a week. Chunky, tasty and delicious. Throw in that old student standby of a baked potato and good things start to happen. Prick it all over, 10 to 15 mins in the microwave on full power and then finish in the oven for about 10 mins at 180C. Before it goes in the oven spray all over with FryLite and chuck on a pinch of salt for a yummy crispy skin.
When it's crisped up take it out, quarter it and throw on 30g of grated cheese. Top off with a tin of beans and the meal is almost ready. Normally I'd have put a ton of brown sauce on here too but now I mix in Worcester Sauce with the beans or sprinkle on top for that spicy kick.
All good stuff and fits within the diet plan. Despite a few beer induced lapses this week I've maintained the 4lb weight loss from my first week so pleased with that. Trying hard to avoid the booze this week so fingers crossed for another loss at the next weigh in.
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